• Parent Ed & Support Group landing page

    Parent Education and Support Groups



The Arc of Fort Bend County hosts a virtual parent education and support group meeting on the second Thursday of the month between Sept. – Dec., and Feb. – May at 11 am. The group encourages parents to share their triumphs and challenges while also providing parents with information about available community resources.  Each meeting also includes a presentation about a disability-related topic to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The presentation is also recorded and posted on The Arc of Fort Bend County Facebook page and on the website for later viewing.

M.O.K.A. (Moms of Kids with Autism and other IDD’s ):

M.O.K.A. is a support group in Sugar Land that was created with one goal in mind: to provide a safe, judgment-free space where parents of kids with Autism and other IDD’s can connect and let it all out!  Join fellow parents at the Facebook Group to support each other on the parenting journey.

Ask to join the private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1012957139103645

The Arc also encourages new and existing peer-to-peer support groups to engage in “grassroots” awareness and advocacy of people with IDD.

Interested in learning more about the Parent Education and Support Groups?
Call or email Karri Axtell: 281/494-5924 or kaxtell@arcoffortbend.org

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